Before the days of internet and cable, we viewed our news on ABC, CBS, or NBC. Walter Cronkite was our herald of national news. Democrat or Republican, Americans did not doubt the facts of what Walter reported. Walter encouraged viewers to look at other news sources too because facts can be proven to be true with evidence, and each channel may have additional sources of that evidence. That’s why Walter was often referred to as “the voice of truth for America”.
Today we have unlimited channels for information so we can shop for “truth” that best mirrors our personal beliefs. If you are conservative Republican, FOX News is a likely choice. For liberal Democrats, MSNBC may be a better option. (I choose PBS because I am still looking for unbiased facts.) The result, our society is more fragmented than ever. Back and forth sharing of views is not happening. We are angry and disconnected regardless of the number of “Facebook” friends we have.
As Impeachment Inquiry for President Donald Trump becomes public, we must look at the facts presented, read complete testimonies, and determine what is real and not real. We must decide for ourselves what our country stands for and not hang on the agendas of “so called” pundits. Our Democracy and unity depend on this.
Then, at the end of the day, we can all say as Walter Cronkite did, “That’s the way it is, (date)”.