We are fat, stupid & will die – Healthcare Insurers are BANKING on it!

Looking for ways to cut your healthcare costs even though you are insured through your employer?  We sure are!  Our costs have sky rocketed but, we can cut those costs by enrolling in a work/out health app.  This week we did.  The app told me that I am actually OLDER than I thought and I would DIE someday! (If they asked me for a photo they would say I was ugly too and need to dye my hair again!)  So to get discounted insurance I took a bunch of online classes, completed blood work, and had my Body Mass Index calculated (BMI which rhymes with TMI – too much information). 

For those of you who haven’t had a BMI calculated, they say they will measure your waist.  I don’t know about you but my waist is a good 1.5 inches above my belly button and 3-4 inches smaller than my belly.  But they measured my belly anyway.  At least 3 inches should be deducted if you gave birth multiple times and had twins.  (None of that information was asked on their lengthy survey).  You also get points for completing their psychological profile and if you are in good mental health you are awarded more points.  I suggest you answer those questions before they tell you you’re fat and old.  Good news, we qualified for discounted insurance by the skin of our belly buttons!

But what does that insurance get us?  It certainly doesn’t help much with prescription drug costs.  And our insurance costs have gone through the roof, Last year my son’s medication was about $30 per month.  But this year it skyrocketed to $238 dollars.  That’s a tough pill to swallow.  My other son is going through some of the same issues.  The physician who takes his college  insurance will no longer prescribe  a med that the same doctor says my son needs and has been on for years.  So he pays out of pocket to see his old physician who will prescribe the medication.  

We were able to cut the drug prices by getting a GoodRx card.  Go on their app and look for the medication you need.  You may see a significant savings from participating pharmacies.  You will also note that the exact same medication varies in price from pharmacy to pharmacy.  And if GoodRx (which is free) isn’t saving you the money, search for another free prescription discount service. If that doesn’t work, call the drug company and you may be able to negotiate a better price directly with them.

Aging – Oy Vey

For a long time, I enjoyed a mirror-mind disconnect.  Being severely myopic, this illusion was bolstered by seeing myself in the mirror through a “Murder She Wrote” hazy filter.  I never liked being photographed, so many of my pictures are of a younger me, but with enhanced mobile phone photo technology, I get to see myself way too often.  So rather than thinking I still look 40, now I know I look 57. Continue reading “Aging – Oy Vey”