Recent bomb mailings to Democrat leaders reflect the bullying rampant in our midterm election campaigns. It is time to STOP THE HATE and require better of ourselves and elected officials. Why is our country so torn apart? I have family and friends from both the Democrat and Republican parties, and we all want the same things:
- A safe place to live free of terror
- Quality schools for our children
- A decent job with a wage that allows us to pay our bills
- Access to affordable healthcare
- Access to college at a cost that won’t put our kids in debt
- An end to the opioid crisis
As parents, we don’t want our kids to be bullied or to be bullies. So what kind of example are we giving them? How can we be effective at work if we don’t trust each other?
So here is what I propose to our political parties. END THE SLAM CAMPAIGNS against your opponents. Replace these messages with those that explain how you will help provide us with our basic needs. And stop yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theater.
Wonderfully said momma love you